The latest news is thatn Lil Kim will be Executive Producer for a new show called "The Search for the Next Doll" which,as the title suggests,will be searching for the newest member of the Pussy Cat Dolls (
yeah, like they really need a new member!)
Apparently,in the new eight part show, PCD wannabes will be put through boot camp, in Los Angeles and will face judges one of them being Lil' Kim. Judging by these photos, this should prove to be a real freak fest! [
Click on photos to enlarge]

What's going on with her nose and lips here?

Trivia Question: Besides Nicole, can anybody name the other Pussy Cat Doll?........
I didn't think so!
I thought Lil Kim was in Prison? I guess she got out. We better run or our lives. She's on the loose again
Hi, yeah shes been out a couple of months now. Hide, hide, hide!!!
Scary? What, the way she looks or the fact that she'll be on tv for 8 straight weeks?....or both?
Lil' Kim used to be cute back when she was with Junior M.A.F.I.A. but someone should've told her. Now she looks sad.
Ive always said that too. She didn't need plastic surgery at all, she very pretty back then.
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