After her watching his daughter walk away empty handed from the Golden Globes, Beyonce's father, Matthew Knowles, launched into one of his now trademark tirades.
Knowles told reporters back stage at the Beverly Hills Hilton right after the Golden Globes show ended that his daughter was outcasted and overlooked by a bureaucratic good old boy system that is still alive in 2007 as it was in 1967.

"Today is MLK's birthday and it saddens me to say that things have not changed for blacks. Working class blacks and blacks in Hollywood are still being discriminated against. We still have a long way to go," he said." [Source]
Note to Mr Knowles: Is this not the same Awards ceremony that saw Forest Whitaker, Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson, Prince and the movie Dreamgirls take awards home?
Oh come on using the race card! he should be ashamed of himself!
Too right.I wonder which ceremony he was watching!
Give me a break. Forest Whitaker, Eddie Murphy (FINALLY) and Jennifer Hudson all won a Golden Globes.
I miss envy and jealous. This guy is out of control for his daughter. No wonder he quit his 6 figure job to manage her.
I agree totally. I sometimes wonder what planet he is really on. This year's Golden Globes was one of the best so far as far as African American actors are concerned. I can't remember any other in recent years that has handed out so many of the night's (big)awards to African American actors. The race card really does not work here at all.
I know her daddy must drive her crazy. She probably rocks herself to sleep at night asking why her momma just didn't get the divorce when she begged her too. *smh*
Damn that was funny.I get the feeling though that their marriage right now is just stage managed to create that 'wholesome Souhern family image'. Things people do for money.
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